Get your own Dragon Name

Devon and Cornwall

Hint: Use the Copy name Button to copy a name to your clipboard. You can then paste the name anywhere again.
We currenty have 713 awesome Fantasy Dragon Names availalbe!
Your name isnt on it? Click the Generate More Names button to generate more awesome Fantasy Dragon Names or check our other Name Generator!

Dragon Name Generator

With our dragon name Generator you get 10 different dragon names. If you ask yourself the question What are good names for Dragons? Then you’ve come to the right place! We generate different names that you can use for fantasy, games or stories. If you want to have 10 more names, then click on the button below the table.

What are dragons?

Dragons are creatures you have read about or seen in movies. They occur in fantasy, magic, games or often in stories. Dragon names often sound mystical, evil or very nice and dear. Each name can mean something very specific. Depending on the environment, situation or story, the dragon name can have a certain meaning.

  • A dragon is basically a very large lizard.
  • Dragon skin consists of scales which are usually very difficult to penetrate.
  • A dragon can spit fire and can fly.